Tuesday, December 09, 2008


well, no money to buy from the website (too ex in my opinion 8-P)

now i am eating supper, such sin. i betta start running soon. 8-P

so happay... haha

(added: just in case u were wondering if i was racing down the final stretch with the young man 10871, nope. I was already in excruciating cramp so i am just trying to get my timing below 4hr 45min. could see the clock ticking away. haha. anyway, the young man is at least 13 yrs younger than me, so i can't amass that kindaf youthful energy after pounding for more than 4 hrs. 8-P wat an excuse. haha... oh, i kpo, so went to check.

but having said that, there are those who are much older than me who ran a time like sub-4 hrs. mmm... i must train harder. nxt target for 2009, ultra marathon 84 km. yee ha! 8-))

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