Thursday, April 09, 2009

Chariots of Fire

The Team in the front line
You've brought glory and we are proud of you.
continue and finish the race with flying colours, in your hearts.
The young blood have great promise
So, seniors, guide them well.
Hope i can see sports in DHS up the next level.

Push yourselves to the limits.

To the 4X100 B boys, loss is not the end of the world. frustration at yourselves or amongst you is natural. but not knowing how to get over the loss and bounce back with a vengence is the end of the world. The biggest challenge for you is go out there and win the rest of the races. Have faith.

The team at the back supporting

good job, though I must say, my expectations is much higher, having come from a school that has strong cheering tradition. perhaps, we shld have more opportunities for you all to get in touch with the outside world. nevertheless, having to motivate a passive crowd to cheer is not easy. We shall see how to move on from here.

hv a good rest.

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