Monday, April 06, 2009

tunnel vision

'The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision' - Helen Keller

Another meaningful quote. So where is your vision? what is your personal goals and what do you see yourself in ten years? Or are you just going through motion?


got back my bike from servicing last Thur. changed my drive chains to hollowpin constructed powerchain. the ride is so much smoother and effortless now. better take good care of it. hiak hiak hiak

Mon - 20 km cycle, I had an interesting bike leg this morning, was pacing another cyclist when she zoomed past me (male ego haha), so i moved to draft position at her right rear and it was a good 5 km sprint at 36 km/h, before overtaking her at last 1 km, we thanked each other for the pace and ride before I dismounted to drive to sch while she continued her ride. Great to ride with fast cyclists. Thanks, whoever you are. 8-)
Tue - 12 km run to marina and back
Wed - 20 km cycle
Thur - 12 km run, tried out the compression tights and did a run in the midday sun before the sports meet, it was uber hot. I think I need time to get used to it. shall use it for early or late runs, and longer distances as well.
Fri - 34 km night run
Sat - rest
Sun - 15 km run, 18 km cycle (rain)

total: 73 km run, 58 km cycle woosh!

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