Thursday, January 22, 2009

Step up

This was the message i used when i was talking to the Year 6s during assembly. Don't know how much they have "internalised" what i was trying to put across, or they are still too caught up by the technicalities and definitions of details in the COC. I just hope that they see beyond the literal. I always believe our students are more capable and are able to achieve more than they are doing now, i.e. if they put their heart into what they are doing and have a stronger sense of self-belief.

Well, only time can tell. ... but i will continue to "nag" ... LOL

Anyway, I watched the movie, STEP UP again, which was showing on cable, while working on my compie just now. i really love dance movies. somehow or rather i have this affinity towards kinesthetic movements... maybe i subconciously wants to be a dancer. LOL

anyway, gotta sleep. tomolo morning, early run again, target 8km. gambatte!! oosh!


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