Thursday, March 19, 2009

Elephant in the Room

Currently, trying to finish this book "Say it like Obama: The power of speaking with purpose and vision" by Shel Leanne. It is an interesting book that dissects the strategies that Mr president uses to communicate in his speeches on different occasions. I enjoyed his speeches and in awe of his power of communication and persuasion, A skill that I need to hone and learn.

With the depth of the crisis he and his administration is facing, it is gonna be a very rough patch, but well, change needs time, moreover, we are talking abt changing mindsets, changing an entrenched machinery that is falling apart and crumbling. What I admire him is his readiness and skillfulness to "acknowedge the Elephant in th room".

The storm will be weathered eventually.

"Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of Hope"

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