Sunday, April 12, 2009

Defying Newton

today participated in the KPI's organised run starting from changi village (sundown start point). Tried my newton shoes. it was well-organised with all the drinks, fruits and gels. Thanks for the advice from eddy, about the use of the shoes, forefeet running, and the striding. the weather was cooling with overcast over the sky.

start off slow, trying to find the "tipping (balancing) points" on the shoes, and getting use to the landing. after 3 km, slowly increase my pace by increasing the turnover. after hitting the 7.5km, make a turn back, covering a total of 15 km. after some fruits and drinks, head out for a cycle leg, but was caught in the rain, so in the end, managed to do a 18 km. stayed on a while, talking to eddy and getting advice on the running technique. could feel the quads and calves seriously tapped. It was a good run, and i need to break in the shoes and loosen my ITB.

I can definitely improve my running efficiency, after i get used to the shoes, it is like doing intervals on the track using forefeet striding.

Now my calves are aching but well, i love it.. haha, so, i like to torture myself. LOL

cool shoes.

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