Tuesday, April 14, 2009

entrenched in own indequacies?

The worst that can happen happened.. to me.

I have sustained an injury at the left side of my arch of my left foot. it is really painful even when i am walking. i must have been over-zealous in my training. I am very angry with myself for many reasons, trying out new shoes at this late stage, increase my mileage too fast (perhaps?) not enough rest?..arrghhh


gonna sports medicine centre at CGH this thur to see jason and see if it is serious. fingers crossed and hopefully i can recover in time for the raw duathlon next week.

till then, like what i have shared with the A div girls, I shan't indulge in my own wrongdoings and "inadequacies". think positive, Gonna change my training, doing cycling these couple of days, stretch and massage my feet.



Tekko said...

I had a mysterious pain in my foot previously after trying out the Newton so maybe for your case it could also be caused by the Newton especially if there is no swelling but just pain. Rest a few days and when u resume running, don't wear the Newton and see if the injury comes back. If it don't, go back to the Newton and see what happen.

All the best for the Raw!

chowe said...

thanks. i think i increase my mileage too sudden. and also the support is not there for my really weak arch. hopefully with the foamthortics, it will be good.

cheers bro!