Sunday, July 24, 2011


I really must pen these thoughts down before I forget.

I attended colleagues' wedding dinner a few hours back and gave some students a ride home, since we all stay in the east. Btw, they were there to play live music during the dinner, beautifully played. It wets your appetite when you listen to beautiful live music. Ok, that's not the point.

So in the car, we were chatting and I was asking them if they would continue to pursue music after their A level exams (since they are taking Music as one of their A level subjects), two of them intended to continue and probably join teaching. Then, a question was popped to me, which kindaf caught me off guard, "why do you become a teacher (or why do you join teaching, something along this line)". My immediate response was "wow! That is a difficult question, you have set me thinking again...well, it is a calling... (and I paused for a while)". Then I went on to talk about the influence from my senior and teacher, my choice between being a science graduate and pursuing my long time passion in art, how I like working with youths than adults, bla bla bla...

Now, in the comforts of my iPad, as I recall this question, I begin to reflect and ask myself again, "Why did I become a teacher?"

On hindsight, While some of the things mentioned are reasons for me to become a teacher, they don't seem to be the true primary reasons, except probably the calling part. I think it is time for me to reconnect my heart to this "calling". Perhaps, this is the beauty of teaching; a journey of learning, discovery and inspiring, both self and through interactions with others. I missed these kindaf of chats and interactions.

Thank you to my student, Karis. B) You have asked a difficult but beautiful and fundamental question. B)

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