Saturday, August 13, 2011


Have not blogged for quite a while, my break has ended and now the intensive 4 modules per week started. Loads of reading and assignments. But I think I can't be given too much free time, made me slacked. But it has been a good break, spent time with guagua and also read and read ooks that are not directly related to my course. Plus have been running and cycling regularly, though I think my mileage must go up in prep for the coming NF100.

Anyway, recent happenings In UK has kept me thinking, is human nature bad at it's roots. it is really a sad state of affairs, with the burning, looting and mindless vandalism. While reports attributed to the unemployment and youth from dysfunctional backgrounds as the key causes, evidence begins to emerge that those who participated and instigated the rioting were from ordinary and average or well to do backgrounds. Some of these people claimed it was a spur of moment that drives tis madness; an excuse perhaps?! Made me draw reference to the recent NTU valedictorian speech using the F word.

Spur of moment?!?

I see there is a common underlying thread that runs beneath these two occurrences; that of human nature. Personally, I believe that there is goodness in human nature, however, circumstances and contexts will either bring out/accentuate this goodness or stir up the dormant bad side in us into the open. One way to ensure the display of this goodness in us is our our personal and shared values; which unfortunately is being eroded in this contemporary and post modern world, where and which everything goes.

I may sound self-righteous and moralistic, and we might be fighting an uphill battle with the Kaleidoscope of temptations and influences around us,

But we have to persevere.

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