Tuesday, September 20, 2011

教师节礼物 Tribute

It has been a long time since I did any post. Busy is a buzz word.

Came across this article by my fav writer, a former principal now retired. Although teachers day is well over but I thought I would like to share this. Indeed, for me, I have never regretted at any point in time of joining this profession; yes, I see teaching larger than a job, a profession because it has the power to make a difference, be the difference and shape minds. I have been gratified to have met all kinds of people; from fellow educators to students and being in contact with them has taught me a lot, and hopefully vice versa.

The modules I am doing now made me reflect on what I have been doing; questioning my practices and beliefs, and help me to see education, hopefully, in a different and positive light.

For the past few weeks and months, I have bumped into students at NTU and other parts of the neighborhood, and it warmed my heart to be greeted with a smile, a hi, a casual chat and learning that they are doing well.

No gift is better than seeing the students that past through your life as an educator, grow.

Enjoy the article.
May peace with you all. B)



● 何濛





  人的生命价值是守恒,坚守亘古不变的理念,是我们的使命。记得有一位教育家说过:“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去” 。只问耕耘,不问收获。生命的意义在于付出,不在于索取。明乎此,我们尽己所能,撒下文化的种子。浇水施肥之后,能否开花结果,且看造化。




  教育工作者喜见桃李芬芳满园春,更爱见今人胜前人。每年教师节,学生都送礼物给老师。但我认为最珍贵的礼物 ,是学生的成就超越我们。

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