Sunday, March 22, 2009


The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital. -Joe Paterno

Just came back 2 and a half hours ago from my long run. took a total of 3 hrs covering a distance of 28-29 km. tempo for first 21km was good, good rhythm but then after that i was struggling for the next 5-6 km, though the last 2 km I managed to psyche myself up and maintain the rhythm, especially when the last stretch is a 400m 30 degree slope. 8-)

but what peeves me is the ipod kindaf went dead half way, no display, so i resorted to singing in my mind. haha.

it was a good run. and I had 5 pieces of pizza (oops, sinful).

I am gonna go cycling tomorrow morning before sch. let's aim for 30km. woosh!

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