Friday, December 02, 2011


"For me sport is not only to discover the outdoors, the people, the mountains... but also to discover myself. To explore my limits. When you race just 100 miles, 100 miles, 100 miles, you discover that your limit is 100 miles." Kilian Jornet

I like words of wisdom like this. It makes me reflect and think through stuff when I am at a bottleneck... well, not exactly now, but it just keeps me thinking of what i should do with my life. Setting limits, to me, is always a matter of the mind, be it physical, mental, emotional or career wise. Not that I am going to be like Kilian and run like a pro, but often, when I feel that I have hit the wall, there seems to be always another way, another horizon, another silver lining or another window/door waiting to be opened, somewhere.

Many a times, we are told to know our limits, to be realistic, to be practical, but do we really know our limits? Many a times, the human mind doesn't function purely on logic and anyhow, there are still much to be discovered about the human brain; even emotions, mood changing, or responses to sudden or extreme conditions are already highly complex phenomena.

I think the sky is the limit.

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